Welcome to a blog in which you will find examples of my work in two areas and comments on whatever topics come to mind.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Oil on Canvas Board 18 x 24cm (7 x 9 1/2in)
A summer day on the Champs de l’Elysée, belonging to a young woman who strides in the prime of health and beauty, 'assured of certain certainties' -- one of these being that she has the world at her feet.
Painting and writing -- I've never known which of the two I want to do more. So why not both?
But I've come to realize that the writing tends to be lengthy, and may be too controversial, for a blog. So it won't be so much in evidence as my occasional absences from painting because of it.
I'm not a painting-a-day person. My Muses are fickle maidens and often skip away for weeks.
I think the subject of a painting should be intrinsically interesting -- and never far removed from the human.
I love how the trees and shadows draw you into this painting.
Wow - That's quite beautiful.